Bertrand Russell and the Nature of Propositions
"Samuel Lebens' book is a lively and full-throated defense of the multiple relation theory ... His book is the best attempt I have seen at a comprehensive historical study of the multiple relation theory... The historical parts of the book are well argued and illuminating, but these issues are not Lebens' main concern. His primary aim is to revitalize the multiple relation theory and make it a contender in contemporary debates about the nature of propositions."
Peter Hanks, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
"It interweaves seamlessly historical and ongoing controversies within unified narratives... Lebens has demonstrated that more remains to be said about the MRTJ, and he convincingly argues that [the] MRTJ (in some form) was buried before it was dead, even, arguably, by Russell himself."
Landon D. C. Elkind, Russell Studies
"Lebens’s book makes an interesting, original, and accessible contribution both to Russell scholarship, and to current debates in the philosophy of language. It fills an important lacuna within the scholarly literature on Russell’s MRTJ, and does so admirably."
James Connelly, Trent University, Canada
"The book’s appeal comes from its subject, but also from the intensity of purpose with which it addresses its interlocutors: past, present, and eternal. It will interest Russell scholars, Wittgenstein scholars, and anyone interested in meaning and representation."
Rosalind Carey, Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy
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