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Academic Articles

Time for some Robust Atonement

Faith and Philosophy (Forthcoming)

Evolution and the Genre of Scripture: Why Evolution Shouldn’t Bother Jewish Theology

Theology and Science (Forthcoming)

The Unlikely Comeback of Pascal’s Wager: On the Instability of Secular Post-Modernism

Philosophica, 51: 337–348 (2023)

Everything, Everywhere, All at Once: Maimonides on the Afterlife—Updated

Religions 14, 1538 (2023)

Classical Theism and Jewish Conceptions of God

In Jonathan Fuqua, Robert C. Koons (eds.), Classical Theism and Jewish Conceptions of God (Routledge: 2023)

Is God a Person? Maimonides, Crescas, and Beyond

Religious Studies, 58(S1): 34-60 (2022)

Response to Critics

European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 14/4: 340-358

One God, One Truth, Many Languages: Rabbi Sacks' Pluralism Reexamined

Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought, 54(2): 74-100 (2022)

Abraham's Empty Altars

European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 12 (3): 65-86 (2021)

Will I get a job? Contextualism, Belief, and Faith

Synthese, 199 (3-4):5769-5790 (2021)

Judaism and Providence

With Tyron Goldschmidt, in Kelly Clark, and Jeffrey Koperski (eds.), Abrahamic Reflections on Randomness and Providence, Palgrave Macmillan 2021

Divine Contractions: Theism gives birth to Idealism

With Tyron Goldschmidt, Religious Studies, 2020, 56/4: 509-524

Pascal, Pascalberg, and Friends

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 87/1:109-130 (2020)

Dormant Dispositions, Agent Value, and the Trinity

With Dale Tuggy, Journal for Analytic Theology, 7:142-155 (2019)

Are you Experienced?

In Graham Oppy, Gregory Dawes, Evan Fales, Joseph Koterski, Mashhad Al-Allaf, Robert Fastiggi, and David Shatz (eds), Theism and Atheism: Opposing Arguments in Philosophy, Macmillan Reference, 2019

Russell and Bradley: Revisiting the Creation Narrative of Analytic Philosophy

Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy 5(7):1-10Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy 5(7):1-10 (2017)

An Advertisement of a Promise

With Tyron Goldschmidt, Journal of Analytic Theology, 5: 629-636 (2017)

The Promise of a New Past

With Tyron Goldschmidt, Philosophers’ Imprint, 17(18):1-25 (2017)

Negative Theology as Illuminating/Therapeutic Falsehood

In Michael Fagenblat (ed), Negative Theology as Jewish Modernity, Indiana University Press, 2017

Would this Paper Exist if I hadn’t written it?

Philosophical Studies, 172 (11):3059-3080 (2015)

Why so Negative about Negative Theology: The Search for a Platinga-Proof Apophaticism

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 76(3): 259-275 (2014)

Counterfactual Approval and Idiosyncratic Counterfactual Approval

Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective (2013)

A Substantive Non-Solution to the Problem of Unity

The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, Volume 4 (2008)

Religion, hypocrisy, and betting on secularity: reversing Smilansky's wager

With Danny Statman, Forthcoming in Religious Studies.

Omnipotence: Dean Zimmerman, Negative Nelly and the Divine Delegates

TheoLogica 8/2 (2024): Essays in Honour of Dean Zimmerman

Amen to daat: on the foundations of Jewish epistemology

Religious Studies 59(S3): 465-478 (2023)

Does Judaism Recognize the Supererogatory?

In David Heyd (ed.), Handbook of Supererogation, Springer 2023.

Hassidic Idealism and The Meaning of Life

In Kirk Lougheed (ed.), Value Beyond Monotheism: The Axiology of the Divine

Defining Religion

Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, Volume 10: 145-168 (2022)

Is God Person? Maimonidean and Neo-Maimonidean Perspectives

In Georg Gasser and Simon Kittle (eds.), The Divine Nature: Personal and A-personal Perspectives, Routledge 2022

Proselytism as Epistemic Violence: A Jewish Approach to the Ethics of Religious Persuasion

The Monist, 104/3: 376–392 (2021)

Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit: An Argument for Anti-Nihilism

In Sara Bernstein and Tyron Goldschmidt (eds), Non-Being: New Essays on the Metaphysics of Nonexistence (Oxford University Press 2021)

On where God isn’t: excrement and the philosophy of religion; two Jewish perspectives

Religious Studies, 57/4: 717-731 (2021)

Missing, presumed not dead

Philosophia, 49(3), 1043-1050 (2021)

Revelation Through Concealment: Kabbalistic Responses to God’s Hiddennes

European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 12/2 (2020):89-108

A Commentary on a Midrash: Metaphors about Metaphor

In Samuel Lebens, Dani Rabinowitz, and Aaron Segal (eds), Jewish Philosophy in an Analytic Age, Oxford University Press, 2019

Nothing Else

European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 11/2:91-110 (2019)

Is there a Primordial Torah?

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 82(2): 216-239 (2017)

The Ashes of Isaac

Journal of Analytic Theology, 5:500-514 (2017)

The Life of Faith as a Work of Art: A Rabbinic Theology of Faith

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 81(1): 61-81 (2017)

Hassidic Idealism: Kurt Vonnegut and the Creator of the Universe

In Tyron Goldshmidt and Kenneth Pearce (eds), Idealism: New Essays, Oxford University Press, 2017

Reconciling Imagery and Doctrine

In Daniel Franks and Aaron Segal (eds), Jewish Philosophy Past and Present: Contemporary Responses to Classical Sources, Routledge, 2016

God and His Imaginary Friends: A Hassidic Metaphysics

Religious Studies, 51(2):183-204 (2015)

True Succession and Counterfactual Approval

Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 2 (10): 26-31 (2013)

The Epistemology of Religiosity

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 74 (3):315-332 (2013)

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